Friday, October 7, 2011

Masculine Menopause

Yes, I am talking about the department. There are the limits for the generation gaps. When people start thinking neurotically that the nature of their young counterparts taking invasive stance, they start caressing their self esteem by JUST dominating them.
Incidence was my seminar assessment. I had become so vulnerable after my guide sent me back to correct my well-bound report. My mind was obsessed by thoughts of the lectures that were counting on that 50 marks phenomenon. Those are always sincere people who suffer. My case wasn’t any difference. Good-for-nothing ATMs in the campus added to my plight. I then went to Sunil’s net cafĂ©. The only thing that felt like rescue for the time. He only can let my bills go forever. I went to him and corrected the report. It consumed the time equated to two of my lectures. I then reached to Xerox and printing centre, borrowing money from friend. (Thanks to ‘automated’ tailor machines in the campus and everywhere.)
There was a huge line in printing centre like tomorrow all people in the campus were boarding the Noah’s ark with their print-outs. With profuse sweat on my forehead and all over the body I was waiting hard for the turn. My turn was about to come and suddenly one of my friends called up and told the few more ’updated’ corrections that were to be made in the report. Listening to all people’s bombastic screams, like it was a music, I was editing my report there in front of everybody, on the ‘only PC’ that was available in the printing centre.
Finally I made it anyhow at 3:15 when all lectures were finished. I showed the corrected copy to my guide and she finally signed it. I then went to HOD for the sign which was mandatory and was told as the ‘important one’, without which we were going to be “virtually detained!”
After waiting for his calls to be finished, I entered his cabin for the sign. And- and he refused for sign. The reason was – why we did not attend the lectures today! Everything concluded like this.
We were no “virtually detained” for the HOD sign matter. But we were told to write an undertaking for missed lectures.  “THE TWO MISSED LECTURES!!!”
Of those four the first two were an Abhiyanta Manch venture. In which the principal was taking about the plight of rural students.
I want to make one thing very clear- I am not at all interested in social services. I don’t personally like to know about the rural students’ problem. My own life faces many problems every day. I get exhausted struggling getting solutions for them.  Why would I attend and get to know how tough others are doing? Be them my rural counterparts. Why would I attend such a socialistic lecture when I am told that I am on the verge of getting detained?
My whole day’s efforts behind presenting the state-of –the-art seminar report were in vain. All this because of one indecent gesture of authorities.
They want us to do everything at a time like we have an extra-ordinary expertise in all the things. Come on, we are just learning. There should be some restraint in their attitude I say.
Authorities never talk to anybody friendly, unless there is some work. Does that make sense? All the interaction we have is full of fear, anger for bad things, and no motivation for good things. They behave isolated, distant, irritated, and dry.
They are afraid of results dipping down. They feel insecure.
That’s why I feel department and the authorities are suffering from a menopause.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday Alone!!!

I sometimes wonder why these Sunday evenings have to be so tedious. Feeling neurotic. All the melancholic memories resurface every time I witness a lonesome Sunday evening.
I remembered somebody’s saying, ” You don’t matter for me.”
“Maybe that’s why you wanted me to know that I don’t matter for you.” – My reply was followed by a thudding sound. Really, these earpieces of landline phones suffer a lot.
I look out of the window. I see mountain silhouettes glistening in silvery sunshine. Soon the ambience becomes vivid and starts coloring my mind too. The horizon is set alight by the time…
I found my cell phone was ringing when the thoughts about my incomplete assignments started horrifying me. It was Tushar talking about the same. Assignments. I felt little relaxed when he declared he did none of the assignments. And I felt little more soothing when I was in canteen with an amusing taste of sweet, milky tea.
To elevate the mood, I called up bai and asked how everyone at home was doing. Till I got back into pace, boys called me up and again I landed in the canteen. Relishing tasty pakodas prove one of the best anti-depressants. And being with friends proves one the best self-actualizing technique.
So that was it. The story of a Sunday.  

Bags Lelo!

Possessing all her wit, she entered the country. One must learn how to trade a 'hilton' way. after getting retired from her television and film career she launched her own range of bags. i cant analyze sometimes why these indian media have to be so prejudiced about someone who is so 'beatiful' having an X factor within.
Apart form her blonde and beautiful persona, i get a small hint of her being diplomatic too. I think india is not a country a foreigner will appriciate when he comes to the country for the very first time. Unfortunately our attitude isn't so patriotic like they posses for their countries. thus we are lagging somewhere to make the country impressive-looking. even though she says the words like spiritual and feel-good while explaining her experiences about the india. she orders her costume designers to design some good ethnic weart suit the indian culture. she declares she likes to wear bindi on her forehead.(Do indians care to wear this much ethnic everyday?) but she carries all the indian ethnic stuff so-swiftly. she admires the women here for their extra-ordinary eye-makeup skills. on top of everything she declares she would love to come back to india over again and again.
What i want to address from this article is - bhai, look at her marketing expertise! she knows her enchanteur of being a celeb is a long-ago thing in her home land. so she flew thousands of miles and has come to india to showcase and popularise her brand. Its worldwide-known thing that Indian community likes the packages which are blonde, rich and famous. she catches the nerve of the indian society.
anyways, keeping all her so-called frivolous gestures to herself, those are indian women who need to adopt the attitude she bears.
It is always easy to gossip about anybody. Indian people should be mature enough to broaden their sense of welcoming the things happening around them.
If hilton can do this, any celeb indian can do the same. there is no issue of blindly copying the things. its about your maturity levels. It is about enculcating the concept that selling your bags with a smile on your face and sugar in your mouth is not an objectionable thing.
If Paris Hilton is cunning, So we should be.

Pushkar Kamble.

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