Wednesday, September 21, 2011


August  08 2011.

Well it was just an atrocious moment for me. I was standing dumbfounded on the swargate bus stop and my mind wasn’t ready enough to accept that I had lost my phone-yes-the-gifted-one by atya and mama worth Rs. 7200/- 3G handset!
I could not believe even I can undergo such an embarrassing incidence in my life. I blamed myself for asking for such a costly toy to atya-mama. They were going to be prejudiced about me hereafter. What an annoying moment for them too!
But this incidence taught me so much of life. It was not the case that I was not going to be able to buy the same piece but the piece mama had gifted was much more to me. There would not be any affection behind the piece which I would buy.
I learned so many things from this incidence. May be they will appear so-philosophical but they are for me.
First thing, things happen in just a moment. You JUST can’t control them. You CANNOT. Just a flash, gone and gone-is-gone. Howsoever you think on it, analyze it, it won’t come back. First time in life I felt I lost something forever. Like there was no replacement for it. The pain it caused was unbearable.
Second thing, I had a cut-throat quarrel with Shekhar, my dearest friend alive on earth, on the same day I lost my phone. I didn’t know why but I was being very eccentric those days. I had lost complete interest with people around me. I would sometimes insult him without any reason; sometimes beat him till he gets hurt. But he hardly uttered any word. But when I lost my phone, I went to him started crying like a baby, he held me near. He was trying to cajole me! I could not believe. A friend, whom I had slapped tightly in the afternoon, was sitting beside me in the evening and urging me to get down with the thoughts of self-blaming. He was suggesting me how I was supposed to face the incidence. This was a little thing but appeared too great that day with that mindset. This showed me the importance of people in my life. They had to be prior to material possessions in life. Always. However the situation was going to be.
Third thing, I used to underestimate the people. I always felt a grandeur using this high end Smartphone. I would boast the good things in my phone which others did lack in. I did not let anybody handle it. I had become over-possessive about the phone. But the time when I lost my phone their phone began to appear the great ones. I started realizing how futile my thoughts about my phone were. Everybody was using the phone their parents could afford. So in nutshell, never underestimate people. God will show you the both- a high tide and a low tide. Don’t be outrageously possessive when you have everything. Who knows, next day you will be out in sunshine but the people you feel at lower level than you would be having at least their huts to hide?
Fourth thing, never ever be apart from your family. It was atya- mama , snehal. Kalpit, and bai only who dragged me out of this melancholy. It was unbelievable when mama, who gifted me that phone, was assuring me to get the new one on the same day I lost it! So always confine to your family. Never even think to be apart from them. Be loyal to them. Remember, YOU OWE THEM TO BE WITH THEM.
The last and fifth thing, everything is impermanent. Nothing will follow you till the end. You are going to lose everything on one fine day. Yes- “everything”. So don’t take a long while to mend your heart. Leave the things at their place & move on with the life, wherever it takes you. And why- you are going to lose yourself one day, right? So don’t keep mourning for the things. Move on with the life. JUST MOVE ON!!!

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